
The Art Of Negotiation

Thursday 1 July 2021
15:30 until 17:00
Profielfoto van Harold Kip
1 minute read

Is your challenge in a strategic negotiation also to balance between value creation and value claiming? And how to deal with bot ratio and emotions? Follow this webinar and learn from Negotiation specialist George van Houtem how to avoid pitfalls and how to counter dirty tricks.

Instigators of complex challenges and situations, such as the COVID-19 crisis, give room to broadening your negotiating knowledge and skills. During these specific situations many organisations recognize the fact shifting positions and re-evaluating relations and negotiations, is required . One important question is ‘how can you best select your way of negotiating to reach the best outcome for your business’? During this webinar some of the possibilities to increase your negotiation strategy will be explored.

During this event the following topics will be discussed:

  • What does a negotiation process mean, which ‘phases’ can you recognize?
  • What psychological and emotional factors are part of negotiation, how do you recognize them?
  • What are the different negotiating styles and how do you use them?

Why should you attend this webinar?

  • You will learn how to realize your goals and do justice to the mutual interests and relationship
  • You get insights in how to frame and influence perception, create value and claim value
  • You will learn how to deal effectively with concessions, suspensions and deadlocks
  • You will recognize and be able to influence dirty tricks
  • You will increase your explorative ability


15:30: Start fof webinar

15:33: Opening by host

15:25: Presentation by George van Houtem, Negotiation specialist

16:30 Questions & Answers

17:00: End of webinar


If you would like to attend this webinar, then please register via nevi.webinargeek.com/nevi-webinar-the-art-of-negotiation.