
The Top 5 Secrets of World-Class Negotiators

Thursday 20 January 2022
15:30 until 17:00
Profielfoto van Harold Kip
1 minute read

Negotiations are everywhere – not only in the business environment but also in private life, one is confronted with negotiations on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many people fear negotiations and try to avoid them at all costs; being overtaken by our fear we tend to forget that negotiation genius is not born, it is grown. Everyone can become a negotiation genius!

About this webinar

  • You will find out what the 5 secrets to become a better negotiator are
  • You will learn to understand how successful negotiators operate, how they prepare themselves and their teams
  • You will learn what is the “negotiation energy” and how to use to your advantage
  • You will gain insight to better understand what you counterpart wants
  • You will learn the key element of how to close a successful deal

During this webinar, the following will be discussed:

  • In our webinar we will reveal 5 secrets that will help you grow into a negotiation genius
  • Whether it is to prepare your team for closing the best deal with a strong counterpart, agreeing the terms and conditions of a new partnership, aligning with a difficult stakeholder or finding the right buyer for a new launched product – this webinar will support you to get the most out of every negotiation.
  • By identifying common mistakes and revealing the secrets of a successful negotiation, a new level of negotiation skills can be reached independently of what the status quo is.


15:30 - Login
15:32 - Start by webinar host @Jeroen Hulsman - Director Nevi
15:35 - Presentations by Dr. Dhia Mansour (Senior Project Manager), Ayrat Maksyutov (Project Manager) and Daria Khromenkova (Project Manager) from TWS Partners
16:30 - Questions & Answers
17:00 - End

How to join the webinar

If you would like to join this webinar, then please register at nevi.nl/en/evenementen/the-top-5-secrets-of-world-class-negotiators.