
Circular Procurement and the Green Deal

Thursday 16 September 2021
15:30 until 17:00
Profielfoto van Monique Plantinga
Monique Plantinga
1 minute read

What is the impact of the Green Deal on Circularity? And more important, on Circularity and Procurement? By the end of the seminar you will leave with a general understanding of the EU initiatives, with inspirational examples and practical steps in how to make the next steps in the circular economy for the procurement professional.

About this webinar

The Circular Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner and More Competitive Europe is central to the European Green Deal. It seeks to build a circular while strengthening competitiveness. It introduces legislative and non-legislative measures which have significant consequences and opportunities for the procurement function. This event is a Sustainability initiative of a team of experts. Sustainability is one of Nevi’s Social Programs themes.

In this webinar we'll explore the following

  • Point out legislative and non-legislative measures of the EU that are coming towards us
  • Elaborate on how this impacts the procurement function
  • Bring forward practical cases on how organisations anticipate and develop for a circular (European) economy
  • Dive into the (new) collaborative dynamics that circular business practices bring to procurement.


Als je dit webinar wil volgen kun je aanmelden via nevi.nl/en/evenementen/circular-procurement-and-the-green-deal-1.