
YPP - Sustainable Procurement: how to put this into practice

Thursday 15 September 2022
13:30 until 17:30
Profielfoto van Dick van Gendt
1 minute read

Our governments have made some big commitments to a better world and time is ticking. We have the opportunity to present to you some of the most recent developments and upcoming legislations in the field of sustainable procurement. We would also like to discuss the Sustainable Procurement ABC with you, to help you shape sustainable procurement within your organization. On top of that, Boskalis would like to inspire you by sharing a number of best practices.

During the event we will have 3 speakers that will tell us more on Sustainable Procurement. Let us introduce them quickly.

@Karin van IJsselmuide is Manager of Social Programs at Nevi and has her own consultancy Karinijss. She is also chairperson of the NEN standard committee ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement, board member of experts Stichting Milieukeur and coordinator of the Alliance UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.

Joost Rijnsdorp has been working for Boskalis since 2001 and has an intrinsic interest in sustainability. He has been organizing round table sessions with strategic suppliers on SRI since 2012, under the heading “where do you stand as an organization in this area and where can we strengthen each other”. He was also one of the driving forces in the development of biofuel for shipping, the One Maritime Data Standard (OMDS) and the CSR BlueScan for sustainable supply chain management in the maritime sector. Together with his team, he won the Dutch Souring Award in 2014 in both the Sustainability category and the overall ranking.

@Royan van Velse graduated as a lawyer on the topic ‘human rights and due diligence in procurement contracts’ and works as a procurement manager at PreZero Netherlands, a major player in the field of waste, raw materials and recycling. In addition to his work as a buyer, he has now published 10 books, 2 of which are specifically about Procurement.

Young Procurement Professionals organizes this event in cooperation with Boskalis and the event will be hosted in the brand new auditorium on the Boskalis campus in Papendrecht. There are a limited number of seats available. During the event we will split into different groups for in-depth sessions on various sustainability topics.

Young Procurement Professionals (<35 yrs.) can register for free at youngprocurement.com/events/sustainable-procurement-how-to-put-this-into-practice


Rosmolenweg 20
3356 LK Papendrecht