Profielfoto van Achraf Talhaoui

Achraf Talhaoui

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Function: Managing Partner Knowledge about: Aanbesteden, Categoriemanagement, Contractmanagement, Digitalisering, Inkoopmanagement, Leveranciersmanagement, Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Inkopen, Onderhandelen, Strategische Inkoop Interesses: Aanbesteden, Categoriemanagement, Contractmanagement, Digitalisering, Inkoopmanagement, Kostenmanagement, Leveranciersmanagement, Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Inkopen, Onderhandelen, Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling, Sociaal Domein, Strategische Inkoop, Supply Chain Management, Tactische Inkoop Member since: 08-09-2021
Over Achraf

Digital Procurement Consultant, co-founder of Qando
Specialties: Procurement Technology, IT Sourcing, Blockchain and AI.
Parttime: NEVI trainer in the field of Digital Procurement, AI and ChatGPT

The last 15 years my focus is on the digitalisation of Procurement. I am facinated about the possibilities of and the impact of IT Technology on the way we do business. I believe Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain will have a big impact on Business to Society, Buyer-Supplier relationships and the ability to deliver value as Procurement Professionals.

I am a management consultant with substantial experience in Procurement, ICT (out-)sourcing, consulting and sourcing professional services. Direct experience in setting up Purchasing Departments, IT Procurement, Implementations of global contracts, Procurement Technology, and Global Sourcing programs.

Always interested in complex Procurement Digitalization challenges.